Monday, 26 September 2016

Walk to Winterfell, Drink the Guinness and Meet a Leprechaun

After being invited to a wedding in Dublin as a plus one I decided to not waste the opportunity and spend a few days living the tourist lifestyle. I don’t think anyone could leave Dublin without a tour of the famous Guinness Factory, experience the wonderful world of Game of Thrones and meet a leprechaun.

So my trip didn’t quite begin the way I had hoped-after sleeping through my alarm and waking up my flatmate to drive me to the airport, I finally got there with only a few minutes to spare. I went from sleeping to flying in less than an hour the luck of the Irish must have been with me. Thankfully after arriving I had plenty of time to get ready for the wedding which was set in such a beautiful chapel followed by an amazing stay in a fancy golf resort. The day certainly ended much more relaxed than it began.

The next day we were all feeling a little rough so it was an easy day eating lunch and travelling to Dublin City centre to check in to our hotel for the new few days. We were staying in the Russell Court hotel and in hindsight we should have read the reviews as upon arrival we were shocked to discover the nightclub in the basement. Two nights of no sleep for us then! Can’t say I will return to that hotel. However, we had amazing activities planned for the next two days and it didn’t darken my spirits for too long.

The next stop for us was Winterfell. Yes, that’s right, Winterfell! Available from Dublin is a tour bus taking you up North to visit some of the places the amazing Game of Thrones was set. Included in the tour is a beautiful walk through Tollymore Forest where you can visit the area where the Starks found the dead dire wolf, the wilding pit and the exact tree stumps Jon Sno and Tyrion sat talking on their way to the wall. From here the bus takes you to Castle Ward which is Winterfell itself. Walking around you can see why it was chosen. From here you can walk to the field where Rob Stark’s army camped and more. The tour does not end here. The tour then takes you to Inch Abby where you can dress up in robes and sword fight at the place where Rob Stark was named King of the North. We also got to meet a few dire wolves. The tour was amazing despite the rain! It is Ireland after all so I suggest good boots and a waterproof jacket if you ever go. And I recommend that any GoT fan goes!

As I said you can’t visit Dublin and not try Guinness so we went to the Guinness factory to learn all about the ‘national drink’. The unguided tour lets you make your way up the world’s largest pint glass at your own pace as you learn how the drink is made, the history of the drink and of course taste the drink. There is even the opportunity to pour your own pint which was included in the price of the ticket. From there you can take your pint up to the Gravity bar-a sky bar at the very top of the pint glass giving you the best and non-obstructed views of Dublin. Thankfully the weather was amazing and the views spectacular! This was far my favourite part of the tour! The scientist in me of course loved learning how the factory worked.

Ireland is absorbed in folklore and mythology so to learn all about this I wanted to visit the National Leprechaun Museum. Here you can learn all about leprechauns, fairies and hear some of the myths told for thousands of years over Ireland. With a room full of giant furniture, you can really live the life of a leprechaun. The museum is perfect for families and brings out the inner child of any adult! It really is a magical museum full of rainbows, gold and stories told by wells in the moonlight. I can’t stress how much I loved it! So glad we went!

We of course loved just walking around the city seeing and absorbing all we could including the National Bank of Ireland and Trinity College. And I couldn’t call myself a gin lover if I didn’t try some Irish gin-when I say try I mean buy a full bottle!

So please if you get the chance to visit Dublin, seize it!

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  1. What an absolutely beautiful looking place, I would love to visit Ireland and of course Dublin one day. My Gran was from there and I'm the only one who never made it over. x

    1. It's an amazing place! So much to do and see! I really hope you make it over one day! :)

  2. I've been to Dublin a few times but would go back again just to visit Winterfell!

    1. This was my first time going and already can't wait to go back! The Game of Thrones tour was definitely a highlight!!

  3. Oh my gawwwwwd I am having a fan girl moment. Mother freaking Winterfell that is amazing, remember to take me next time lol!

    1. I was exactly the same! I've never been so excited in my life!

  4. What a beautiful place. That chair is massive.

  5. Gosh, everything looks so beautiful. I'm a little jealous of you right now, I've always wanted to go to Dublin x

    1. haha it was an amazing trip! I can't wait to go back!

  6. I was a fan of the tour but not of the beer. Way to bold for my NY taste.

    1. I didn't like it either but I agree the tour is amazing

  7. Everything about Dublin is amazing and beautiful! I am so glad you had such a great time!

    xoxo, Candice

  8. What a beautiful spot for a walk. I have only been to Dublin once, but I would love to see the rest of Ireland too.

    1. Before this I had only been to Belfast for the day so it was great to see more than just a city

  9. I would absolutely love to do the game of thrones tour, looks amazing. And even though I don't like guinness I'd have to give it a try x

    1. The tour was fantastic! And my thoughts exactly! I knew I didn't like it before the tour but had to try it all the same

  10. Yes, that would be such a dream to go there! You picked some really fun things to do!

  11. I've never been to Ireland but it always looks stunning in pictures!I may have to take a trip, sidenote: those Huskys are gorgeous!

  12. I would love to see Winterfell, it's on my bucket list. Your trip was amazing!

  13. I've always wanted to visit the Guinness factory - looks fabulous!

  14. This looks fab and I really love the photo of the dogs. i agree there is a lot that can be learnt at a factory. Sounds so interesting.

  15. Looks like you had fun in Dublin. I must go there some time. Great photos too. Love the big chair!

  16. Looks like you had an amazing time, my friend is from Dublin and I've always wanted to visit.

  17. Looks fab. I went to Dublin such a long time ago, I just have to return as to be honest I couldnt remember what we did , unless I had too many Guiness!!

  18. Dublin is a great place, looks like you had a great time!

  19. Looks like you had a fab time, I've always wanted to go to Dublin! That's so cool you go to see some of the Game of Thrones filming locations! xo

  20. Ive heard so much about the guinness beer factory i wanna go so bad! and im not even into beer!! hope you had a great time

    Love from Sun &

  21. I really want to visit Dublin, I have a friend there and have been meaning to go for ages. It looks lovely there.

  22. What a fantastic adventure you had! I love GoT so would like to visit Winterfell. Dublin is on My bucket list to visit xx

  23. I've been to Dublin but a long time ago. Winterfell looks beautiful I must admit.

  24. I had a day in Dublin a few years ago but it looks like there's a lot more than what we managed to see! I'm not a GoT fan but Winterfell looks like a stunning place to visit ♥

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  25. We went to Dublin in the summer and it was amazing!

  26. I love Dublin! The Guinness Factory is so good - I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it :)

  27. Wow sounds like great fun. I need to visit soon!

  28. What a lovely city , your photos look amazing.

  29. Omg why have I not gone yet!!!??

  30. I was hoping to go to dublin this year at some point but looks like it won't be happening anymore. Some amazing things to see! I'd love to visit the national leprechaun museum!

  31. So unbelievably jealous!I've still not forgiven my mum for going to Dublin without me for her 40th...even though I couldn't properly enjoy it at 11. When I finally go to Dublin, I think I will definitely be going to the National Leprechaun Museum!

  32. I have never been to any part of Ireland but would especially love to visit Dublin. I am on the west coast of Wales so it shouldn't be that far for me. Kaz x

  33. I've been to Dublin several times, and it's a lovely city. Definitely agree with a trip to the Guinness brewery - no trip to Dublin is complete without it!
    Didn't know about the Leprechaun Museum though, that sounds great! We went pre-kids to Dublin, will have to go back with them as they'd love it there!
