Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Colours, Cocktails & Face Masks

A few weeks ago I was invited along to an evening of colour by Colour Elements featuring the Body Shop at Castle Galleries in Princes Square, Glasgow. This was my first every blogging event so I was very excited to be included and to meet fellow Glasgow bloggers…put some faces to blogs. Also the Colour Elements concept sounded very fascinating and was eager to learn more.

The evening started with Elanor and I getting ready in our work toilets-Princes Square is notoriously fancy so we both wanted to look our best. Colour Elements had asked us to share a selfie as we were getting ready and we were all too happy to oblige! When we arrived at the venue I was struck by how pretty it was. Having never been to Castle Gallery before- admittedly I never knew there was even an art gallery in Princes Square-I was amazed as the beautiful and colourful artwork covering the walls. It was the perfect setting for a Colour Elements event. I would definitely go back for the sole purpose of getting a better look at the artwork as there was some amazing pieces-including art from the amazing Bob Dylan.

So what is Colour Elements? At the event it was explained that each person can be described by one, or a combination, of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. This label is based on a mixture of complexion, hair colour, eye colour etc. and in theory narrows down the colours you should be wearing in order to accentuate your natural beauty. This was demonstrated to us by a mini fashion show and I have to be honest I think it works. We all can say we put colours on and think they are just “not us”, Colour Elements gives a guide to narrow down the colours we choose to wear. This way is much better for our bank balance if you are like me-I probably only wear a fraction of the clothes in my wardrobe. We were all lucky enough to receive a quick consultation and given our elements. I am 70% air and 30% earth. This means that the colours associated with air should be my main focus but I can have small splashed of earth colours. After downloading the Colour Elements app, where you can create colour charts, I was astonished to see that the colours I should be wearing were mostly my favourite colours so it works! 

Also at the event were representatives from The Body Shop launching their new range of face masks! They were also providing consultations on skin types and which face masks to use. I was informed about multi-masking and was given a lovely free sample of three of their masks. You can read all about them in my previous post about a pamper session at home here

Of course a good blogger event is not complete without some amazing refreshments so thankfully Zizzi’s were on hand with an awesome range of pizzas, dips and breads! They all tasted fantastic and yes I did try them all! Also on offer was cocktails from Sugar Dumplin, an amazing Caribbean themed bar and restaurant also located in Princes Square. The cocktail was amazing I had two-even though I was possibly allergic to the pineapple juice…oops! We were also treated to yummy cupcakes from Snuggle Muffin which were all colourfully decorated to match the theme of the night.

I have to say it was an amazing event. I loved getting to meet fellow bloggers and of course finding out my colour element. Since the day I have used the app when shopping and picking out clothes. When I feel good in what you are wearing it really makes me feel more confident!

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  1. Oh this sounds amazing, something I'd be very interested in. Looked like a great evening x

  2. What an amazing sounding event, it sounds like you had such an awesome time and I'm sorry but that cupcake YUM! x

  3. This sounds like an amazing event, and such a cool idea, I'm always unsure about what colours suit me!

  4. This sounds like such a good event! I love the Body Shop, and OMG PIZZA. YES.

  5. What a lovely event to be invited too and such an interesting subject.

  6. This sounds like a great event. I have no idea what colours actually suit me but I tend to stick to boring greys and blacks. Jo x

  7. Such a fab sounding event and even more so with cupcakes x

  8. Sounds like a great event, sadly I've not yet been to one but one day. Cocktails, pizza and cocktails sounds like my kind of thing though x

  9. What a nice event! I'd like there were something similar where I live x

  10. that sounds like a fantastic event, very interesting x

  11. What a fun and interesting event. Those cocktails look yummy. I might need to try that mask.

  12. Blogger events are just so lovely, you get to make new friends and put blogs to bloggers. Lovely post

  13. This is so interested! How unique and sounds like you had fun!!

  14. Snuggle Muffin is the cutest name!!! Gotta check out their store :)

  15. I did something like that years ago and I still keep the palette as a shopping guide. Like you, my favorite colors are the best for me!

  16. Never done anything like this but it sounds like it was a well-worth a visit event! The food looks delicious too!

  17. I Love the Body Shop. I discovered their outlet store the other day and it's amazing.

  18. Would love to know my color elements too! I've been fan of water though.

  19. Sounds like it was a fun filled event. Nice.

  20. This sounds like a great event and like lots of fun x

  21. It sounds like a brilliant event. I bet you were super excited!

  22. Looks like a great event, I love the body shop! The pizza looked so yummy too! xo

  23. Looks like you had a great time! I'm a blogger in Glasgow so hopefully I'll see you st an event soon! xx

  24. I've heard about the colour elements before and would be intrigued to find out my own! What a lovely event to attend, such fab food and yummy cocktails!

  25. Theres a gallery in Princes square? wow haha... never knew that hope you had a great time at the event :D x

  26. This sounds like a lovely event and the snuggle muffing cupcake looks amazing! I honestly have no idea what colours suit me, I usually stick with grey, black and white. Hmmm, may have to give this a re-think! :) xx

  27. Sounds like a great evening .I love going to bloggers events but living in Cornwall don't get to many!!

  28. It sounds like you had a fabulous time at the event, that cupcake looks gorgeous! I want to try some of the new body shop stuff x
