Friday, 9 September 2016

Give your eyes a Pep-Start!

A daily cleansing routine is very important to me but I’ve always found one thing lacking and that was a suitable eyecream that actually works! I have a busy life and don’t like looking exhausted but my eyes were always the giveaway. Then I found Pep-Start by Clinique and all that changed.

Image taken from
Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream promises to refresh the eye area and give a more wide awake look in just 3 seconds-perfect for those busy mornings. And in my case where I already have several skincare steps this quick and easy to apply cream is a delight. Pep-Start cools, depuffs and hydrates the way to bright and awake eyes! I’ve used this the day after the night before and kissed goodbye to my tired –hungover-looking eyes. And if all that wasn’t enough it also acts as a primer for eye make-up too! After a recent hen party for Elanor at Tiggy Poes and Flutterbys this cream was a life saver!

To use just gently squeeze a small amount onto the applicator tip, swipe in circular motions around the eye-including the lid-and finish off using your finger to make sure all the cream is absorbed. Use twice a day or when needed and see the amazing refreshing effects take place!

After only a few days of using this I was loving my eyes! No more was I getting stopped and asked if I was feeling unwell! I was even confident enough to leave my home with no make up on! Bags and black circles no more for me!

As with all Clinique products it is 100% allergy tested and fragrance free. On top of all that the Pep-Start Eye Cream is also ophthalmologist tested.

With a price tag of £22 it isn’t the cheapest of products but it's definitely worth it! The desired effect can be achieved with the minimal amount applied so it lasts a good period of time!

Which eye cream do you use? Would you try Pep-Start?

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  1. A lot of people love Clinique, I tried one of their facial washes and toners before. It's good to find a product that helps you to look wide awake in the mornings x

    1. One look at my blog and it's clear I have an obsession with Clinique ha

  2. I haven't tried too many clinique products but I like that they are fragrance free!

  3. I have to admit not having used clinique for a long time, but do love the sound of this product x

  4. I've been looking into getting this for a while as i haven't found a concealer that works for me! I love the sound of this though from your post so thank you!x

  5. My mother in law gave me this eyecream I've yet go give it a try though. I do like clinique but its not something I've brought myself.

  6. This looks really interesting and something my eyes could do with using.

  7. I love this eye cream, I bought it when I went to Sephora and I think it's so good as it's so hydrating x

  8. I really need to do something with my eyes, I should try an eye cream. I don't know if I can afford £22 but I know Clinique is probably worth it!

  9. I'm using Elizabeth Arden at the moment and I love it x

  10. I havent used any Clinique products for ages and ages, I have a few eye creams that I adore, one being from Kiehls x

  11. I've been looking for so long for an eye product which will do what I need, I'm so sad this won't as I trust Clinique! So many companies think the only eye ailment is puffiness, but I need something to add a bit of puff haha! Sunken eyes with dark circles :( and I'm only 18,its not an anti aging thing I'm after! Great review though :) gotta love Clinique xx

  12. I've never actually tried Clinique but I always hear good things. I like the Skyn Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels

  13. Would love to try this eye cream. Seen it around.

  14. I have been wanting to try this product for a while, sounds great!

  15. Pep-Start sounds like a good product, my mummy doesn't suffer from dark circles thankfully, but she still looks frazzled! This would be good for her!

  16. I have this product and I really enjoy using it every morning X

  17. This sounds good! I definitely need a new eye product in my routine!

  18. I am actually using an Api Vita eye cream at the moment but it's almost gone. I might give this Pep-Start one a try, it sounds like a great option.

  19. ive heard good things about this but will try it when my current cream is running out

  20. I am a huge fan of Clinique and been waiting for a review of this. I will be purchasing this for sure!

  21. Love that bright orange Clinique 'pop'! Sounds like an utter saviour for tired eyes!

  22. I used to use Clinique products a lot. This looks great!

  23. I need some of this! My eyes are looking so tired at the moment.

  24. I love Cliniques products and have a vast amount of them. I haven't got round to trying this though, and my eye-bags are huge. Sounds like I need to try it for myself

  25. Will it help to diminish dark circles also? I'm looking for an eye cream but don't know which to buy. My basic problem is dark circles. :(

    1. It does! That's one thing I use it for. Clinique are currently doing buy one get on free on their pep range so it's a perfect time to try it!

  26. I always appear to have tired eyes even when I'm not fatigued and people always comment on it! So I think I need to pick me some of this eye cream up. I don't mind the £22 price tag all that much if it would banish my bags and under eye circles.
