Monday, 26 September 2016

Walk to Winterfell, Drink the Guinness and Meet a Leprechaun

After being invited to a wedding in Dublin as a plus one I decided to not waste the opportunity and spend a few days living the tourist lifestyle. I don’t think anyone could leave Dublin without a tour of the famous Guinness Factory, experience the wonderful world of Game of Thrones and meet a leprechaun.


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Colours, Cocktails & Face Masks

A few weeks ago I was invited along to an evening of colour by Colour Elements featuring the Body Shop at Castle Galleries in Princes Square, Glasgow. This was my first every blogging event so I was very excited to be included and to meet fellow Glasgow bloggers…put some faces to blogs. Also the Colour Elements concept sounded very fascinating and was eager to learn more.


Friday, 16 September 2016

Creating the perfect at home pamper session

It doesn’t matter who or what age you are everyone needs to relax! We can’t all afford to go on spa breaks even though there are amazing deals out there. After a busy few months I booked a ‘Me-Weekend’-cancelling all my plans with one goal in mind, relaxation. Here are a few tips for the perfect pamper session.


Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Readers #2 The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

As mentioned in my last Readers club post this session’s book was my choice. Having looked on my bookshelves for some inspiration I came across The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North. I had forgotten I had it so seized the opportunity and swiftly recommended it for book club-and I am glad I did.


Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Ladies Who Lab #4 Esmeralda

Ladies Who Lab is back and this time we have Esmeralda from My Bugs and I. Unlike my past two guests I don't work with her but she all too eagerly stepped forward to write for me. Esmeralda as you will find out has had a longer career in science than I and it is amazingly clear how passionate she still remains to be. Without further ado here is Esmeralda.


Friday, 9 September 2016

Give your eyes a Pep-Start!

A daily cleansing routine is very important to me but I’ve always found one thing lacking and that was a suitable eyecream that actually works! I have a busy life and don’t like looking exhausted but my eyes were always the giveaway. Then I found Pep-Start by Clinique and all that changed.

Image taken from

Friday, 2 September 2016

My Trip to the Singl-end Café and Bakehouse

Last week I and two friends ventured to the end of Renfrew St, Glasgow to the Singl-end Café and Bakehouse. My flatmate had been before and came home ranting and raving with excitement about this place so I had to check it out myself. All too willing to return-my flatmate showed me the way.