Saturday, 11 June 2016

Working Out! Gym Update #1

I recently joined the Glasgow Club Gyms and as part of my self-motivation plan I’m going to post weekly updates. Feel free to hound me if I miss a week you lovely readers are now my coaches.

By recently joining I mean I joined on Sunday (6 days ago). The Glasgow Club include a number 22 gyms, 13 pools and over 1300 fitness classes a week. I love classes and there is a gym on my way home from work which is why I chose this range of gyms. As a PhD student my membership for a 12-month contract equates to £23.50 per month so a middle of the road fee. The membership includes unlimited use of the pools, classes and gyms so I definitely think it is worth it, even at the full adult price of £34.

I have a 5-point motivation plan:
  1. 1. Get my money’s worth per month-no use paying for something I am not going to us
  2.  My flatmate joined too so we can motivate each other
  3. Feeling better about myself-it might be too late to get beach body ready this year but there is always next
  4.  Running a marathon is on my bucket list-not going to do that sitting on the sofa all day
  5.  These weekly posts
My weekly progress:

Sunday: Joined the gym, possibly the most difficult bit taking that plunge and commitment to get fit

Monday: Gym-mixture of brisk walking and jogging a distance of 3k using the treadmill, 5k on the bikes and 15 minutes on the cross trainer

Tuesday: Body Pump class- uses a series of weight lifting and squatting to tone and strengthen the muscles, 45-minute class

Wednesday: Gym-mixture of brisk walking and jogging a distance of 3k and cycled 3k using the bikes

Thursday: Rrest day! This was well needed! After Tuesday and Wednesday my legs were so sore I had a friend in work push me around on my desk chair (jokingly of course)

Friday: Some serious hay fever and had to take some antihistamines resulting in me falling asleep at my desk…seriously! Should not be operating heavy machinery or weights…gone home for a bath.

Time to clean, housework is still exercise right? Plus I watched a few episodes of Scandal

MUST WORK HARDER. My treat bowl is sitting too close and probably reversed any of the benefits of gym going.

How has your week been? Do you have a preferred exercise class? Any advice?

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  1. Well done joining the gym lovely. I stopped going to the gym an did my workouts from home and I can't wait to get back into them once my baby is born xxx

  2. I love working out but I need to do it more regularly as I have lost both my gym and class partners! I have been doing loads at home and love doing HIIT workouts and zumba, they're my favourites oh and kettlecise classes are amazing too but really hard x

  3. I love exercise classes but with two children and a hubby that works shifts it's something I can't really commit too. I do however often for HIIT workouts in my living room! But I don't do them as often as I should!! xxx

  4. I joined my local gym end of last month and like you I want to make my money work for me. So I have been attending classes every morning 2-3 times a week

  5. Great step, dear. Give me some motivations too. Haha.

  6. Good you joined a gym. Hope you get to go in as frequently as possible.

  7. I think people that do marathons are very brave, I'd be scare to do one.

  8. Well done you and yep housework definitely is exercise and you can burn loads of calories x

  9. I find I worked harder in classes because I have someone shouting at me to work harder haha. Considering it was your first week you still did well x

  10. Well done!! I need to try and exercise more!

  11. I need to get back into exercising, small steps I think haha

  12. Just got back from the gym! I'm envious that you've got Body Pump, my gym doesn't do that any more and I miss it. Keep up the good work.

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