Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Caledonian Curry Night Fundraiser

My friend and colleague Alice, with team MacBrontes, will soon be embarking on the Caledonian Challenge which is a 54 mile walk in 24 hours. This crazy venture is all to raise money for Foundation Scotland. To raise even more money she hosted a curry evening which I had the pleasure to attend.

Associated with the challenge is the charity Foundation Scotland which supports and aids groups, ranging from youth, women’s rights and the elderly, throughout Scotland. Founded in 1996 it has distributed over £45.4 million to small and local charities and communities’. A charity that is close to Alice’s heart! The challenge consists of a 54 mile walk through the Scottish countryside taking in beautiful the beautiful views and landscapes that the Great Glen Way and the West Highland Way have to offer. The challenge consist of two events: The 24 mile over 12 hours and the 54 miles in 24 hours. I am told that the MacBrontes, named as such as one member lives close to where the famous Bronte sisters wrote, love a challenge so they opted for the 54 mile walk. Apparently 24 miles is too easy but I beg to differ!

To raise more money for this amazing cause Alice decided to embark on a totally different challenge and cook for nearly 20 people some amazing and delicious curry. A feat already difficult but add to the mix vegetarians, a coeliac and those who are lactose intolerant…the pressure mounts up! If anyone could do it though, Alice can! And I can say she definitely did! On offer was a vegetarian jalfrezi, a Moroccan chickpea curry, butter chicken and a chicken laksa. Alongside rice noodles, boiled rice and enough naan bread to feed an army. Something for everyone! I tried them all and they were truly delicious! I won’t post the recipes as they are not mine to share but please get in touch if they interest you.

Now a feast of food isn’t complete without dessert so to add to the mountain of curry there was a Willy Wonka chocolate factory full of treats and cakes. On offer was raspberry macarons, lemon macarons, chocolate brownies and a pistachio, cardamom and rosewater polenta cake. I can’t say I have ever walked 54 miles but I think Alice will breeze through it after managing to cook and bake all of that! I of course tried them all and they were amazing!

The night was an absolute success and I believe Alice managed to raise £196 which is fantastic!!

Alice and the MacBrontes will be doing the Caledonian challenge on the 11t-12th of June, not long now! I want to wish them all the luck! If you would like make a donation then please do so here:

MacBrontes Caledonian Challenge Donations

Thank you on behalf of Alice and the the MacBrontes.

Have you ever done such a challenge for charity or would like to?

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  1. Wow - best of luck to Alice! Those goodies look amazing!

  2. I have never done a challenge for charity before but good luck to your friend and hope you raise even more money

  3. What a great way to raise money. Everything looks so delicious too.

  4. All of that food has my mouth watering! Well done for raising money for charity! You rock! H x

  5. Well done on taking on such an impressive challenge. Looks like it was fun!

  6. wow, you guys did an amazing job with the food. 54 miles in 24 hours is a though one. Good luck.

  7. That food looks delicious! Well done on raising money

  8. Wow you did so good cooking for that many people you should be proud. Good luck with the challenge too x

  9. Aw good luck on the challenge! I love that she catered to people like me who have eating requirements and that Moroccan chickpea curry sounds amazing!

  10. Wow well done Alice. This is a good way to raise money. Never done this before but I will.

  11. What an amazing way to raise money and £196 is brilliant x

  12. never would have thought of doing a fundraiser like this. this sounds and looked amazing

  13. £196 is brilliant - well done!! The food looks so delicious too.

  14. I'm so glad it went as well as it did. That is absolutely fantastic and you ate like royalty.

  15. I'm glad it went well and £196 is a great amount of money. Those macaroons look delicious!

  16. Veggie jalfrezi! That sounds lovely. I hope her work goes well!

    Corinne x

  17. What a great fundraising idea! The food looks delicious!

  18. This looks so much fun to do aswell. Great idea.

  19. Oh wow those macarons look absolutely FABULOUS!! I have never made them myself! xxx

  20. Wow this is amazing I love helping out for a good cause its just so inspiring!!! Plus these look soooo yummy!!!

  21. Wow well done on raising so much. It sounds like it was a great success and the cakes look yummy!

  22. Those macarons look AMAZING!!! Any left?! ;) x

  23. Woah! 54 miles in 24 hours is a lot of walking. All the best of luck.

  24. What a great idea for a fundraiser. Everyone loves curry!
