Saturday, 4 June 2016

Shopping Day with the Girls

It is not a secret I am a shopaholic and when I go shopping, I go hard! So I thought I would take the time to share with you the fun and joy of my shopping day with some friends from work and of course what I bought!

A few weeks ago the work, myself included, received and email about a work retreat we would be going on ‘DTC Summer School’. The dress code: smart casual. This is a term that always confuses me! What exactly does this mean!? So after talking to a friend at work we decided to go shopping the week after we got paid for some items that are ‘smart casual’. Like I even needed an excuse!

The day started in the afternoon with a free make up session at Clinique in House of Fraser. You may have read about it in my previous post about the Summer Bonus Time so I won’t dwell on that. We did get a lovely glass of bubbly though, thankfully I wasn’t going back into the lab…that would not be a safe idea! I did however go back to my desk finish off some paperwork then we left early in the afternoon. We had been working very hard the past few weeks so deserved a half day.

We hit the shops. Firstly Osiris to check out the more vintage looking shops but sadly none of us found anything. Our next stop was much more fruitful…New Look. One of my favourite places to shop. I love their clothes and the added perk of student discount makes it a difficult shop to avoid. Glasgow has been getting amazing weather so I used this opportunity to update my summer wardrobe and get a few new sun dresses. I ended up buying two dresses, a cami top, two cardigans a very light zipper, all pictured below. I love the dresses! Paired with heels they are perfect for nights out but put on flats and a cardie then you’re good to go for the day. 

One of the last shops we visited was Hollister. Now I have a love hate relationship with the shop. I’ve always loved the clothes in there but didn’t think anything would ever fit me. However on the day of our shopping trip there was a sign in the window for 15% off for students so we thought we would go in and I am glad we did! I left with a gorgeous top and a dress I have fallen in love with! And what’s better is they fit. It was definitely a lucky day and a very successful shopping trip.

After we had officially shopped until we dropped we went to the Hard Rock Café Glasgow for some dinner. They currently have a world burger tour featuring some of the legendary burgers from Hard Rock Café’s from around the world. I had the Jamaican Jerk Burger which was amazing! I ate every last bit of it! I had built up quite the appetite from shopping so hard.

How is your summer wardrobe looking? Have you had a world tour burger?

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  1. I love Hard Rock cafe! I had the best salad ever in the one in Prague.

    The clothes you got were really nice, esp that second dress. Give me.

    Corinne x

  2. Ooh those dresses are stunning and I adore the floral bomber jacket x

  3. My summer wardrobe is looking.. skinny haha Ive put on weight and really need to go and buy a new one! Some lively items you have there though

  4. gosh that reminds me how behind I am with my Summer wardrobe R

  5. Shopping with the girls can remove some stress. I love Dresses as they are handy and perfect for most of the occasions.

  6. I love a good shopping trip with the girls and looks like you picked up some fab things x

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

  7. I am missing a lot of summer clothing. Still no time to go shopping and I don't really want to shop online :-(

  8. I love the first two dresses and I am now craving a burger. That looks amazing! x

  9. It looks like you had an amazing day! I adore the first two dresses you bought but everything is really lovely! X

  10. I love a Hard Rock Cafe - always a consistently good dinner, especially great after a long day shopping!

  11. Oh that white dress from Hollister is so pretty - I'd love to wear something like that but I'd be very surprised if they do my size ;-)

  12. I love NEW LOOK too, it's hard to come out of there without buying too much, haha. I love those dresses, the first one is stunning! I've never been in Hollister because I fear they won't have anything that fits me but perhaps I should try and see! :) Love everything you bought and hard rock cafe sounds fab!

  13. My summer wardrobe is looking ace at the minute. Got some new additions. You got some cool pieces too.

  14. I love a good shopping trip. Looks like you had a lovely day :)

  15. I adore all the floral prints they are perfect for summer especially the dresses!

  16. I love the two floral print dresses - they are gorgeous!
