Tuesday, 23 August 2016

I don't know about you but I'm feeling...24!

Guess what!? I turned 24!! So I thought I would write a quick post to thank all the wonderful people who helped me celebrate. I had a fantastic birthday weekend full of laughter, food and of course- GIN! 

My birthday celebrations started with a cheeky Clinique make over during my lunch break with the lovey Elanor from Tiggy Poes andFlutterbys. Our readers will know how much we love this brand so you can imagine our excitement. Our two makeup artists Rachael and Jordan complimented us perfectly! We left looking absolutely beautiful! Me with an in-your-face lip and Elanor with traffic-stopping eyes! I bought the Pop Liquid Matte lip colour in Candied Apple Pop and lipliner in Intense Jam. They were even lovely enough to give the Bonus Time gift bag! Then it was back to the office to finish work before party time in one of my favourite bars- Bar Home. And yes a lot of G&Ts were consumed before dancing the night away in Glasgow’s resident rock club The Cathouse. Needless to say the next day was a couch day! With a lovely visit from my mum and partner who bought me an every so pretty 2-tier cake stand and a bottle of wine! 

When my actual birthday arrived I was super excited! No matter how much I moan about getting older I’ll always wake up feeling like a child! It does help though when you have a hungry cat prodding your face because she wants fed! It’s my birthday shouldn’t Eve be bringing me breakfast in bed? Bus alas cats have no thumbs! When I did get out of bed there was a lovely gift waiting on me courtesy of my flatmate. A Harry Potter t-shirt! Who doesn’t love HP? I can’t wait to wear it!!

When I got to work there was a lovely gift bag sitting on my desk from my amazing work wife (who got me the wife birthday card) Elanor! Now I’ve had 24 birthdays so I should know how they work. Isn’t it tradition to gift something the birthday girl/guy likes? Apparently I was wrong because in Elanor’s attempts to make me like The Walking Dead, you may recall I had to read The Rise of the Governor for book club, she bought me season 1 of the show and a comic book. I DON’T LIKE ZOMBIES! But waste not want not…anyone want to buy a comic book and dvd? Jokes! I will one day give it a try! She did also get me a lovely comic book about the Mighty Women of Science which I love!! My dearer readers will know my passion for inspiring young girls into a career in science. She also got me 3, yes 3, count with me..1,2,3 packets of my new favourite crisps from M&S- Cheese Tasters! Another lovely dear from work got me the cocoa gin set from Hotel Chocolat-can’t beat a bit of chocolate and gin!

My lovely birthday ended with my flatmate and I enjoying gorgeous pizza at Paesano then heading to see Finding Dory at our local cinema. Perfect way to celebrate a birthday is seeing a kids film if you ask me! Never too old for some Disney!

My lovely best friend has promised me a spa day/trip because I’ve worked so hard the past year. He is THE BEST! Can’t wait for that and to of course she it with you!

And obviously no birthday is complete without cake-I GOT TWO! A chocolate haggis and a delicious carrot cake!

Highlight of the day? Convincing some street campaign worker that I was in fact 17 years old!

All there is to say now is a final thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday so special! I’m looking forward to what the next year will bring!

Pst…I got some amazing work news yesterday too but I can’t share that right now so keep tuned because I’m almost bursting with excitement!

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  1. Happy Birthday, it seems you had a fun filled day like it should be, you've got amazing people around you x

  2. lol i wish I was 24 again wahhh, wait until you're 34 then you'll know just how amazing 24 is :D anyway happy belated birthday sweetie x

  3. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a fab time!

  4. Happy birthday! I'm 27 and still feel like I'm 18. I guess I'll have to accept it at some stage!

    Mika |

  5. Happy Birthday! It looks like you had such a wonderful time. x

  6. Happy birthday!! It sounds like a great couple of days :)

  7. Happy 24th Birthday! It sounds like you had an amazing time celebrating - oh to be 24 again ;) x

  8. Ah sounds like a super fun birthday - I loved finding dory x

  9. Happy 24th BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like you had a lovely day!!

  10. Happy birthday!! Sounds like you had a brilliant day! Wish I was 24 again.

  11. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had an amazing time, I'm also 24 hahaha!

  12. Sounds like you had a great birthday, Finding Dory sounds like the perfect way to round it off x

  13. Happy Birthday! Any birthday that involved pizza has to be good :)

  14. Happy 24th birthday lovely I am so glad you had a lovely day with your friends.

  15. Happy Birthday and I am loving the sciency themed gifts you got x

  16. Happy Birthday lovely! Sounds like you had a lovely time!

  17. Happy Birthday to you! I also get excited about birthdays and feel like a child again. Glad you had a fantastic day.

  18. Happy Birthday it looks like you had an amazing day.

  19. Happy Birthday! looks like you celebrated in style! Its my mummy birthday this weekend, but she has nothing planned! Glad you had a great time

  20. Happy birthday. Can't wait to hear the exciting news.

  21. Happy Birthday! Love to see what people got for their birthday. Nice to see you had a good time.

  22. Happy birthday hun. Sounds like you had such a fab day

  23. Happy birthday lovely - sounds like you had a fab day x

  24. I hope you had a fab birthday, I recently turned 24 myself!

  25. Happy Birthday, hope this year turns out to be the best one yet!

  26. Paesanos is my absolute favourite place in Glasgow for pizza! I done a wee happy squeal when I saw it there.

    I'm glad you had a nice birthday and I would have loved to see pictures of your makeup.

    Claire :)
