Tuesday, 2 August 2016

July Round-Up

Another month has come and gone. Just where does the time go? July has been as month of two halves split between holiday fun and relaxation and more stressful PhD times. But of course for a shopaholic like myself I definitely made sure I got some time in for shopping!


As you may know I for the past 10 weeks I have been supervising two MSc students with their work in the lab. If running experiments and collecting data isn’t stressful enough when it is someone else’s data, the stress is definitely heightened. With July being the last chance for them to be in the lab we could see the finishing line so with a bit of a push, a careful plan and early bookings of machines we got it done. I have to say they worked so hard and were the most amazing students. I must have been an all right supervisor too as they presented me with a lovely gift on their last day. I have to say I was shocked and delighted to receive a lovely card, chocolates and of course prosecco…they know me so well! I will miss them and I wish them all the luck in writing their thesis. Looking forward to hearing their final presentations at the end of August.


All work and no play makes me really exhausted. With tickets booked for the HebCelt festival which you can read all about here, I took the opportunity to have two weeks away from work. My automatic email response was set so I would not be disturbed. My holiday consisted of a week in Stornoway and then a week just at home for some chill time. I got a great start on the book for Readers Club and caught up on some TV programmes I had fallen behind on. It sounds simple but it was the break I needed. Coming back to work though was rather difficult but had to get my head back in the game for the sakes of my students.


After holes appearing in three different pairs of jeans I knew it was time to invest in a few new pairs. Being the height I am though this can be difficult, not everywhere stocks petite and if they do the range can be rather limited. For this reason, I normally opt for ASOS online because they have so many items to choose from and I can easily eliminate pairs that are no good for me. However, on this occasion I was rather desperate for jeans and couldn’t really wait a few days for them to be delivered plus I was on holiday so may as well get the full shopping experience. My one and only stop then was Dorothy Perkins. They have an amazing petite selection so I bought 3 pairs…oops!
Also as you may be aware of I bought some more Clinique right in time for Bonus Time in Boots and their Beauty Event meaning I got even more freebies. Reviews for those should be up next month.

Gym Update

I always had a personal goal to run a 10k and maybe a half marathon. A small part of that was running 5k on the treadmill. As of last week I can check that off my list! Happy days! I am so proud of myself, well on my way to running 10k.

Next Month

So what is happening in August? The most exciting part is I have an August birthday! I can’t wait to share with you lovely people my celebrations. Need to decide on what those will actually be! PhD wise I know I will be busy with September deadlines looming but what else is knew?

Hope you had a great July and have all the fun in August.

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  1. It sounds like July has been a very busy month for you! It's nice you got to turn your auto email on for a while though, everyone needs some time out! August is your birthday month so use that as an excuse to have lots and lots of fun!


  2. Aw, that's so sweet of the students you were supervising to get you a gift! Prosecco and chocolates is always welcome :) Hope you enjoyed your two weeks off, and good luck for your busy August x

  3. It must be amazing getting involved with masters students and doing your PhD. I've been thinking of doing a Masters - I'm waiting for my kids to be a bit older before I do it though! I work with GCSE students - they don't tend to bring me Procecco though! 😂 My birthday is also in August - so I'm excited too! 😊😊

  4. Well done for running 5k! I hope you enjoyed your fortnight off, too, it sounds like it was well-deserved :)

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  5. sounds very busy! well done onthe 5k, you're very motivated!

  6. Well done for running 5km, you should be proud. Glad you managed to have 2 weeks off for your holiday x

  7. 3 pairs of jeans... You sound like me lol. I struggle to find jeans that fit right and when I do I tend to find lots!

  8. My sister is an August baby too, well done on your gym achievements and wishing you a lovely new month

  9. Aw happy birthday! Hope you have a good one, well done on your progress so far you are doing brilliantly!

  10. This post is full of positivity which means you must of had a really good July!! I hope your August is just as inspiring :)

    Emmie xo

  11. I am really glad you had sone time off of work just to relax, sometimes you just need that space x

  12. Well done on running 5K. I did start the couch to 5K but realised running is not really my thing so I'm going back to zumba instead.

  13. Its good that you managed to get some time off of work just to relax, it can do you the world of good x

  14. Sounds like a busy month. I hope you have a wonderful August birthday too! :)

  15. Well done on the 5k - have a great birthday
