Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Monthly Review: May

As a blogger I like to speak about my life and the events that have happened as well as a few products that I have stumbled across. I don’t have the time to blog everyday so can’t possibly tell you all about everything! I thought as a compromise I would start a monthly review of myself as the PhD student, the baker, the youth leader and the shopaholic

May, what a month! The sun has been shining amongst frequent outbursts of rain! Even though I have been very busy I have managed to enjoy the sun as much as I can, thankfully. My pasty Glaswegian skin hasn’t quite got burned yet which is always a bonus.

The PhD

May has been LAB MONTH. If you were to take a peek at my calendar you would see an inundation of experiments. Admittedly I love this! It is the reason I became a scientist, I am never happier than when I don my white lab coat and spend days and days in the lab. There was a rush to get analysis to submit an abstract for the 7th APS International PharmSci conference. I am very happy to reveal it was accepted so not only do I get to attend a prestigious pharmaceutical conference to network and learn from fellow colleagues but I also get to present my very own research in the form of a poster in September. However, before all that I have been very busy preparing for other presentations and posters as well as guiding a new Masters student. What is a PhD without deadlines and stress anyway? Managed to get all that done and spend an hour a day outside in the sun, it is a miracle I was able to drag myself back indoors.

The Youth Leader

As you will be aware my group The Buttercups ended but I still had Sunshine Corner on a Sunday to keep me busy. We had so much fun learning about God, singing songs and doing arts and crafts. One morning we actually had 27 children!! Last week we had the celebration of youth service. I was given the task of telling the congregation about all the fun and teaching we had been getting up to in the past year whilst the other teacher gave out gifts. It was a lovely day. Then it came to our final day until September where we joined in with the other Sunday Schools and had a party, the boys and girls had so much fun.

The Baker

You will all have seen the Octo-Cake from last week. Sadly, this has been the only cake I have had the time to make. Note to self, make more time to bake cakes! But I have had the pleasure of enjoying some lovely lemon macarons, sugar free vegan friendly chocolate truffles and even an orange and courgette cake. Will try and get the recipe for that one.

The Shopaholic

Pay day always brings a shopping trip! One of my favourite stores Forever 21 closed down so had to make use of the huge 65% off sale. Silver linings! My favourite purchase of that trip has to be the moisture surge face spray by Clinique. Moisture surge is my favourite range from there and skin care is really important to me so I am so glad I came across it. I even found a new favourite gin, Pickering’s 1947. It has cinnamon through it and it really comes across. Tastes amazing with ginger beer as well as tonic water. I really recommend it even to those who claim to not like gin, I dare you to not love it.

Looking forward to next month which brings more PhD work, shopping and two trips away. Stay tuned for those!

Lastly I wanted to say happy birthday to my lovely sister who turns 25 today! Hope you have a great day!

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  1. And I thought I had busy schedules, good luck next month, I don't know how you fit it all in x

  2. What a varied life you lead! I love these type of post where we really get to know the person behind the blog. I must check out some Pickerings Gin - Huge gin fan over here! My daughter is distraught that Forever 21 has closed down :-(

  3. Wow 65% off at Forever 21 that is crazy, I love the store on oxford street! x

  4. Great round up! I've love how you've incorporated more than just what you've bought this month! It sounds like such a busy month PhD wise, I bet you've enjoyed it though x


  5. Awww thanks for the birthday message x:D

  6. Awww thanks for the birthday message x:D

  7. Awwww happy birthday to your sister, I hope she had a great 25th xxx

  8. Wow you've been busy. It's good to do a range of things as it makes thing so much more interesting.

  9. WOW. I guess you will be rather busy if your Phd. I hope everything goes well.

    John M.

  10. It sounds like you have had a busy month! Good luck with your Phd! x

  11. Sounds like you've had a great May! I remember studying for my PhD! The lab work was my favourite part.

  12. Wow you have been busy. I hope you have a lovely June.

  13. Sounds like a very varied May! I think it's been a busy one for most people! H x

  14. Cinnamon gin sounds amazing we love cinnamon in our house and put it on everything there's a whiskey that has cinnamon in that with apple juice tastes like apple pie it is way too easy to drink X

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

  15. Wow 65% off in Forever 21 - I am so jealous! I don't even have a store near me :(

  16. fab roundup and sounds like so much you have had to do. :) Good up with the PHD Work.

  17. Nothing more fun to celebrate a birthday of someone close with you. that's a great wrap up for the Month of May.

  18. Gosh you're busy! I bet a PhD is SUCH hard work, I'm in awe!

  19. OOh wow wishing you luck with your PhD, what a crazy busy month for you x
