Sunday, 12 November 2017

Reverse Advent Calender

Tinsel, mince pies and a cheeky glass of bubbly. No matter how you spend your Christmas whether it’s a huge celebration with all the family or a smaller intimate affair we can all agree that it is the little things that make our Christmas special. However for many families this time of the year is not always the magical spectacle we all love. Many families facing austerity and hardships spend this time of the year-and most of the year-hungry. So this year I really wanted to get involved with Reverse Advent calendars. 
Every Christmas I jokingly demand my mum to buy me an advent calendar-even at the age of 25. She never does because apparently I am too old so I just buy myself one. I am lucky enough to have the money to do so and the money to buy all the other extra fun and festive things that come with this time of year.

But across Glasgow-and the rest of the UK- many families struggle to put food on the table so this year Glasgow North East Food Bank is encouraging households to create a Reverse Advent Calendar. 24  items in a box isn’t a lot to us but this can allow families a Christmas dinner. In order to distribute these boxes to families who really need them in time for Christmas days the boxes need to be handed into the foodbank by 12pm on 10th December so to put 1 item in your box you should start on 16th November.

I have already started as I am too busy and too disorganized to buy an item from the list below each day (I plan to make the box looks a little more festive):

1.Broth mix
2.Stock cubes
3.Bisto/Oxo cubes for gravy
4.Large tinned meat - ham or chicken
5.Tinned potatoes
6.Tinned veg
7.Tinned fruit
8.Tinned or packet custard
10.Paxo stuffing
11.Christmas themed biscuits
12.UHT juice
13.UHT milk
14.Diluting juice
15.Mince pies
16.Christmas pudding
17.Cherry/Sultana cake
18.Evaporated milk
19.Small selection box/ chocolate Santa
20.Deodorant/shower gel set
21.Christmas crackers (to pull)
22.Christmas themed napkins
24. Sauces

I really urge everyone to get involved. Even if you are not from Glasgow I am sure there is a food bank near you that would be very grateful for your donation.

Together we have beat hunger.

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  1. Fantastic idea. I did this last year & it felt great, so you definitely gain as much as you give. I tried to put some bits in to suit people with specifics diets & fee luxuries too. Everyone should have a treat at Xmas!

  2. This is a brilliant idea, and great timing for the post so people can plan for it. A good things to do with my kids I think to teach them all about the giving side of Christmas :)

  3. I love this idea, definitely something we are planning to do in our house this year to show the children the real meaning of Christmas.

  4. I am checking right now if there is a donation center near me that does this because the idea of a reverse calendar is such a good idea. Its important that we help those in need x

  5. This is SO lovely. When I have more money this is definitely something I would love to do. xxx

  6. Shard and pinned this entry....this is a rather a very lovely idea (well,except the mincemeat pie) and thank you for sharing.

  7. This is a really great idea. I love the idea of filling the box with food to make a Christmas dinner.

  8. This seems like a really great idea and I could see how it could be fun to do as well.

  9. What a great idea! I totally love this, unique and have never thought of it this way. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Thanks for sharing this blog. This is really amazing information.

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