Wednesday, 8 November 2017

First Six by Six by Nico

Six by Nico have just announced their seventh concept- DISNEY! How excited am I? Ever since the beginning I have loved what the amazing people at Six by Nico have tried to achieve. So hot off the heels of their new release I thought I would recap the first 6 menu concepts-for those who haven’t had the chance to experience them for themselves.
In case you haven’t heard about Six by Nico it is a restaurant in the Finneston area of Glasgow that creates the most amazing food ever. For 6 weeks they offer a 6 course tasting menu for £25 each with a different theme inspired by memory or place. I have been lucky enough to experience every concept so far and really wanted to share them with you.

1. The Chippie

Inspired by a traditional British chip shop ‘The Chippie’ reinvented the simple chips & cheese, scampi, steak pie, special fish, smoked sausage and of course the deep fried mars bar. As this was the first concept I dedicated an entire post to this which you can read here. I didn’t know what to expect but after the first course- which was presented in an espresso cup-I knew amazing food was to follow. I was not disappointed and this sparked my love for the restaurant.

2. Childhood
Take a trip back a few years and enjoy the food you loved as a child…but with a Six by Nico twist of course. After eating this menu ice cream –a chicken liver parfait, egg & soldiers, fish fingers, mac & cheese, hamburgers and viennetta will never be the same. Childhood food done in a more sophisticated and adult way.

3. Picnic
You don’t need to grab a blanket and basket of food and head to a park to enjoy a picnic. Especially in Glasgow where it’s almost never sunny! I just had to go along to Six by Nico and enjoy their picnic menu. Complete with a picnic basket and blanket…yes these are two of the courses the menu includes a scotch egg, sandwich platter, a BBQ and some strawberries and cream. The flavour combinations were quite different and if I am honest it wasn’t my favourite concept but it was still delicious.

4. Route 66

Coming a close second to actually taking a road trip the food inspired by Route 66 was just breath-taking. This iconic stretch of road journeys from Chicago through the Great Plains, Texas, New Mexico and California. Nico and his team really captured the spirit and essence of this highway with food including goat’s cheese tart, mozzarella salad, diner food, brisket, a taco finishing with a lemon tart. Truly inspired!

5. Illusion

All was not what it seemed with the Illusion menu…soil was pork, scallops were chicken and eggs were made from white chocolate. And that is just to name a few of the amazingly spell bounding courses. I think this menu is definitely one of my favourites. Each course was as mysterious as the next. Going down that road of illusion was so exciting.

6. Forest

I love Scotland…it’s where I am from and Nico has just made that love grow and grow with their current menu concept- Forest. Inspired by the Scottish Highlands and the forest this menu takes foraging and wild life and brings it to the plate. The food really captures the atmosphere, smells and tranquillity of the forest. The joy of rainbow trout, pheasant and venison. It’s not too late to book a table for here, if you act quickly! 

So it is probably obvious I absolutely love this restaurant and if you are in the Glasgow area I really urge you to try it. The new concept starts 21st of November but tables are filling up fast because you know everyone loves Disney! I have mine booked already. I seriously cannot wait.

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  1. Oh wow, these all look amazing - but Illusion definitely looks the most exciting. I will definitely be checking this out next time I'm in Glasgow.

  2. Ooh this food all looks amazing! I love how well presented it is too, that's always a great sign!

  3. How clever are these - the food looks amazing!!

  4. The chippy would be the one that most appeals to me. I find chefs to be so creative and clever with food now, it's amazing the concepts they come up with.

  5. Love the 'Bang Bang Egg' or the egg and soldiers as some people call it. A great way to modernise and make more adult childhood dishes x

  6. What a brilliant idea for a restaurant and how much fun!

  7. Very beautifully presented food. Everything looks so tempting :)

  8. I wish I lived in Glasgow!! I want to try all of these badly. I think the childhood one is my favourite one though x

  9. Wow, these all look incredible. Childhood would definitely be my favourite choice though x

  10. oh wow this is so much to take in theres so much to look at and choose from but they all look delightful in some way or other

  11. Can't wait to see your blog post after the next Nico Six x Six. What a interesting and creative idea and you know going in the food is going to be world class!!
