Monday, 13 November 2017

Blue Coffee Box: Review and Giveaway

Do I like coffee? No-I LOVE coffee! And with a blog name of Caffeinated Reactions that is no surprise. I won’t say how much I spend on average on cups of coffee a week because honestly it doesn’t bare thinking about. It’s worth it though so when the lovely guys from Blue Coffee Box contacted me to review their subscription service it was the easiest yes ever.


Sunday, 12 November 2017

Reverse Advent Calender

Tinsel, mince pies and a cheeky glass of bubbly. No matter how you spend your Christmas whether it’s a huge celebration with all the family or a smaller intimate affair we can all agree that it is the little things that make our Christmas special. However for many families this time of the year is not always the magical spectacle we all love. Many families facing austerity and hardships spend this time of the year-and most of the year-hungry. So this year I really wanted to get involved with Reverse Advent calendars. 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

First Six by Six by Nico

Six by Nico have just announced their seventh concept- DISNEY! How excited am I? Ever since the beginning I have loved what the amazing people at Six by Nico have tried to achieve. So hot off the heels of their new release I thought I would recap the first 6 menu concepts-for those who haven’t had the chance to experience them for themselves.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Christmas Hampers with Prestige Hampers: Review

Halloween is OVER! Finish off the sweets and put down the pumpkin pie! It is time to get ready for Christmas! And NO it is not too early-organisation is key! Do you really want to be that person running about on Christmas Eve because you forgot about someone? No I didn't think so! I'll pretend you didn't shout BAH HUMBUG and continue on with my Christmas bliss.