Friday, 6 October 2017

A Trip to Cardiff

A few months back-been so busy with the PhD to blog-I took a solo trip to Cardiff in an attempt to get a little more confidence travelling on my own. You see I was soon to embark on a 5 week trip to Austria for a PhD placement but hadn’t really flew anywhere on my own before. I know flying from Glasgow to Cardiff is miles different from living in a foreign country but it was a small test to myself. Turns out solo travelling….I LOVE IT!!
Knowing about the Doctor Who Experience, the Cardiff Castle and a very particular patisserie I was dying to try I knew that there would be much to do and see in Cardiff and I was definitely not disappointed. After a short trip on a Flybe plane and a bus ride I found myself in the city centre of Cardiff at 11pm walking towards my hotel for the next two nights. Upon arrival at the Sandringham Hotel I found myself wondering if I had made a mistake-was it too late to turn back and return to Glasgow? Given the décor and the feel of the hotel I felt transported to the set of Psycho! Apprehensive was definitely an understatement! However come daylight the hotel had a certain charm and I was able to calm myself down and was ready for the adventure ahead! First stop…the Doctor Who Experience!

Okay so I am a massive Doctor Who fan and Tom Baker will always be my favourite Dr so having the chance to visit the Doctor Who Experience is definitely one of the best things I have done. Not only is it jam packed with memorabilia but the tour is as interactive as it can be! As soon as you enter the building you are set on an adventure to save the planet-battling daleks and the terrifying weeping angels. Oh and not forgetting having the chance to fly the one and only TARDIS. Okay so some aspects might be a little cringe when you are on your own but I had a blast and got to see some really cool stuff. 

My next stop was lunch at Cocorico Patisserie as seen on the final of Bake Off: Crème de la Crème season two. After watching the team create such wonderful cakes and pastries there was no way I was going to Cardiff and not try the delights myself. It was cake heaven! There was such an impressive lunch menu including the option to build your own sandwich. I took this opportunity to get creative myself with a delicious salmon and chorizo open sandwich and of course I had to treat myself to a cake. I chose the lemon squared- an amazing and inventive take on the humble lemon meringue pie. They also had a huge selection of macarons and chocolate bon bons. The bon bons I couldn’t resist so bought 9 of them to take away.

As my life revolves around food I had to find a cool place for dinner that of course has a decent gin selection. Luckily just a stone’s throw away from my hotel was the gorgeous tapas restaurant Bar 44. Their modern take on traditional Spanish tapas was absolute perfection. The food was so good I didn’t want it to end so after consuming a selection of cheese, jamon croquetas and monkfish with potatas bravas I had to some dessert-after all I was on holiday and calories don’t count on holiday, right!? I engulfed the olive oil cake with tastes and textures of apple like there was no tomorrow. I even sampled some lovely Spanish gin and my amazing waiter was able to recommend a fabulous gin not listed on the menu. I really do recommend this restaurant to anyone craving tapas in Cardiff!

I encourage everyone to visit Cardiff if they can as there is so much to do and see. Whether you want to eat amazing food, shop in the city centre, check out the amazing views and cafes in the modern bay area or dive into the past by walking around the grounds of Cardiff castle. There truly is something for everyone and everything is close by. Can you believe I done all of this in one day!? So please, visit Cardiff!

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  1. I love Cardiff but haven't been for ages. Definitely time for another visit.

    1. It's a great city, I was surprised by how much I loved it!

  2. Tom Baker is my favorite Dr. Who as well! I would like to visit that interactive Dr. Who and swipe a TARDIS to bring back home

    1. He's the best! Unfortunately I don't think the exhibition is still there but it was so popular I am hoping they bring it back

  3. Looks like you did a fair amount in two days, I am glad you had an enjoyable trip and it has prepared for your trip abroad.

    1. Believe it or not, I done all of this in one day! It really helped with traveling on my own

  4. What a lovely trip, and how fab that you did it all in one day and by yourself. Cardiff gets a lot of praise, and I can see why. I still haven't been, which is awful of me considering my sister lives in South Wales. I shall put it on my "really have to do one day" list.

    1. Please add it to your list, it has come such a long way and really is a city jam packed full of things to do and see

  5. Well done for doing it by yourself - that's such a good idea to do a mini-trip to make sure you're ok with it before the big one! I flew on my own for the first time in January from London to Bangkok (so it was a pretty big journey - 15 hours in total with a stop-over in India) and I absolutely loved it. There is just something so exciting and independent about travelling alone! I hope you have a great time in Austria. xx

    1. Wow! That's a serious trip! I am glad I done it, now I have caught the travel bug even more and no much except money can stop me! Austria was fantastic thank you, stay tuned as I should be posting about there very soon

  6. Oh wow Cardiff looks beautiful! I have never been but am going early next year, I will be saving this to refer to then!

    1. Oh you'll have such a great time!! I really hope this helped you with narrowing down the many things to see and do!

  7. Well done! I flap a lot when travelling on my own! I love Cardiff - one of my favourite cities. Kaz

    1. I have learned to relax a little more now after this trip

  8. Well done on solo travelling! I haven't been to Cardiff before but glad you had a great time x

    1. Thank you! It was a fab trip and I had so much fun

  9. I like the idea of solo travelling but I would definitely miss my mister x

    1. Single, pringle and ready to mingle... I have no such worries haha

  10. I have never been to Cardiff, I have only ever been to North Wales. I really want to go though as I want to visit the Doctor Who experience x

    1. I had only been to North Wales on a family holiday so many years back but Cardiff had been on my list to visit for such a long time

  11. They've closed the Dr Who Experience now, which is a great shame!

    1. I know, so sad! So glad I could get there before it closed. I am hoping they bring it back because it was so good

  12. I have always wanted to visit Cardiff and it looks like your trip was amazing!

  13. A solo trip sounds amazing. I've never been so brave, but sounds like I need to give it a go. Wales looks lovely x

  14. I've been solo travelling for about 16 years, since my travel partner cancelled last minute and I refused to pass up our trip to Milan! I absolutely loved it too, and have been regularly venturing off on my own ever since. x

  15. Wow, this looks amazing, thank you for sharing!!!!

  16. It's been ages since I was last in Cardiff and this is making me want to make a return trip. Lovely photos.
