Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Wooow! I’m Halfway There!

It’s February 14th which can only mean one thing…yes it’s halfway through my month long ban on processed sugar. You thought I was going to talk about Valentine’s Day didn’t you? Don’t be silly! I’ve accepted my crazy cat lady status. Anyway I thought I would share with you my progress so far.

One thing I have noticed throughout this experience is how many times I have had to explain to people that I am only giving up PROCESSED sugar. So yes I can still eat fruit and vegetables. And yes gin contains no processed sugar! Only change I had to make there was using slimline or diet tonic water. A small adjustment but one I can happily live with.

So I knew this challenge would be difficult but I didn’t quite anticipate how many things contain sugar. Yes there was the obvious suspects like chocolate and cakes however I had no idea they add sugar to stock cubes! Like seriously!? Why!? That through a spanner in the works and for a full week limited my recipes by about 99.8%! Chicken or salmon with vegetables is super tasty but there is only so much of it I can have for dinner…and lunch!

Noticeable Issues:

Just no energy! For the first week I had very low energy levels-I had to take a week off the gym. I was constantly tired however that past and my energy soared to actually being chipper on a Monday morning!

Not being able to get a takeaway. Yes I know I shouldn’t be having takeaways anyway but when your energy levels are low and cooking seems like a massive chore, a Chinese would be amazing! But alas…that would contain sugar! Pesto pasta or cous cous to the rescue! They both contain no processed sugar, tasty and quick and easy to make!

Life has become a bit savoury. Snacking is a bit of an issue at the weekends. During the week in work I am busy enough that there isn’t as much time to just sit and eat a little. If there is then a handful of cashews does the trick. At home though there is only so many oatcakes with beetroot dip I can eat without going insane! Regardless of how amazing the dip tastes! However homemade flapjacks using nothing but honey, oats, seeds, fruit and nuts make for a yummy, healthy and sweet snack! Even my colleagues agree! Perfect for those sugar cravings.

Lowest point:

Eating vegetable stir-fry with noodles….with no soy sauce! Because of course soy sauce contains sugar! Bland noodles and vegetables for dinner and then again for lunch the next day was definitely one of the most soul destroying moments so far!

Highest point:

Finding an organic and all natural stock powder! Hooray! My cooking world was opened up again and life got that much brighter!

If you would like to support myself and Cancer Research UK by donating then you can do so by visiting my fundraising page. Thank you, every pound raised with help beat cancer sooner.

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  1. Well done on reaching the half way mark! I'm in awe as I know I would really struggle with this x

    1. Thank you! I'll admit I have had a few bad days but it's worth it

  2. Congrats on getting this far! I need to try and do this for the month of march, but I don't know if I can give up wine for that long!

    1. Thank you!! Don't worry wine contains only natural sugars too so it's allowed! :)

  3. Well done! 2 weeks is incredible and honestly not sure i could do it. I feel sad when i can't eat chocolate at least once a week and that sounds so lame! Sugar is in almost everything. Even fruit has it! x

    1. Like I said I'm only giving up processed sugar so thankfully fruit contains only natural sugar so I can still eat that.

  4. Congratulations on making the halfway mark. It is horrid how many things processed sugar is hiding in, it really does make it difficult.

    1. Thank you! I know tell me about it! I just picked up a box of wheetabix assuming it would be fine but then saw it had sugar in...and that's supposed to be a healthy cereal!

  5. oh wow I don't think I am strong enough to even go a week I would struggle greatly with my 2 sugars in my cups of tea but well done you keep going

    1. I think I would have struggled more if I took sugar in my coffee...thankfully I don't

  6. I think you have done great so far. Not sure i could give up sugar x

  7. Congrats on reaching the half way point, I don't know whether I could give up sugar as I have low energy already xx

    1. Thank you! The low energy was quite difficult, I couldn't even force myself to the gym but once that passed I had more energy than ever

  8. Wow this is very impressive because there seems to be sugar is so many foods! You rock!!

  9. Well done you! Glad to hear it's going well.

  10. Did you manage to get Andy to have a flapjack? I swear I would have tried one if it wasn't for all the fruit haha!

    1. Almost!!! He picked one up then saw there was seeds in it...that's when I lost him! For a gym freak he isn't very healthy haha

  11. Well done on getting this far, I'd have struggled to last two days, or I wouldn't have even checked certain things which probably would end up containing sugar x

  12. Well done on getting this far I would have failed miserably. It's amazing how much sugar is found in foods and how many contain it without use even knowing.

  13. There are many sugar free desert recipes out there, which are really tasty and easy to make. As to your low energy levels in the morning, boost your protein intake and you will bounce right up :-)

  14. That's great you've got this far, I have every respect for you! I know I couldnt do it!

  15. Congratulations on getting half way! Not much further to go :) I have never attempted to give up sugar, but have cut down quite a bit.

  16. Wow, I didn't realise soy sauce contains processed sugar. I guess it creeps into so many little things, I would find it very hard to give up. Well done with getting halfway through, and good luck for the rest of the month :)

  17. Well done! This is such a great challenge, I'm currently trying to cut down on sugar so you've done so well to cut it out completely! xo

  18. Well done on being half way - I'm just trying to cut down on sugar and it's so hard, so you are doing so well!

  19. Well done on reaching the half way mark, thats absolutely fabulous and you're doing so well xxx

  20. Congratulations on making it halfway! My mummy really needs to give up sugar or at least cut back! It's great that you are helping a good cause x

  21. Having been diagnosed with gestational diabetes I'm not far off what you're doing and it's hard. Although I have to change most my carbs and severely limit them too. What I will say is that I'm being much more inventive with my cooking at least!

  22. hidden sugar is EVERYWHERE, it really is crazy when yu start to notice it. I just mentioned this on someone else's blog but top tip, is a drop of fennel under the tongue to get rid of cravings or a sprinkle of cinnamon! xoxo

  23. Well done on the half way mark!
