Wednesday, 16 November 2016

The Readers #3 The Wolf Road

Book number 3 since I joined The Readers Bookclub was The Wolf Road by Beth Lewis. Chosen by Nikki it seemed like a book I wouldn’t normally pick up but isn’t that the joy of a bookclub? 

Since the Damn Stupid turned the clock back on civilization by centuries, the world has been a harsher place. But Elka has learned everything she needs to survive from the man she calls Trapper, the solitary hunter who took her in when she was just seven years old.

So when Elka sees the Wanted poster in town, her simple existence is shattered. Her Trapper – Kreagar Hallet – is wanted for murder. Even worse, Magistrate Lyon is hot on his trail, and she wants to talk to Elka.

Elka flees into the vast wilderness, determined to find her true parents. But Lyon is never far behind – and she’s not the only one following Elka’s every move. There will be a reckoning, one that will push friendships to the limit and force Elka to confront the dark memories of her past.

Picture a world with the feel of the Wild West, ad mist the Gold Rush, with limited access to modern luxuries such as electricity and antibiotics, small towns built on mud among forests and outcrops formed from falling bombs. Confusing right? Beth Lewis has managed to capture the raw nature of survival. Elka, a young girl, plucked from home from apocalyptic weather, reared by the man who found her, a man later revealed to be a mass murderer. She has no option but to make the journey north in the hopes of finding her parents. A journey full of the unknown and self-discovery can never be easy and it most certainly isn’t for poor Elka.

Where and when the book is set isn’t entirely known. There are mentions of an event called ‘the Damn Stupid’ which some of us at book club assumed this was an allusion to the Cold War. Did combat actually happen with Russia? We do know that the area where the book is set “BeeCee” (possibly British Columbia) should not have been effected and the actual Damn Stupid was bombs falling where they shouldn’t. Whatever did happen, the bombs left a devastating effect on the land and civilisation never progressed in the way it should. As a reader having no definite setting annoyed me but after thinking it over I feel it was important for us to not know and to be slightly confused by the situation. After all if we-the Readers- are confused just imagine how the characters in the book must have felt.

The ending of the book caused a divide among our group as to its effectiveness. The story begins at the end leaving the majority of the book to lead the reader through the life of Elka. To some the ending left much to be desired and was seen as a bit of a let-down after all Elka had been though and what she had come to discover about her life. To others and myself though it ended the only way it could but not to lead into a sequel as Lesley had suggested- without giving too much away.

I did really like this book but it honestly was not my favourite of the three I have read for bookclub but I urge you to give it a read! Our next book was chosen by us all collectively and features a very special dinosaur. That’s right our next book is The Christmasauraus by Tom Fletcher. I can’t wait!

If you lived in a post-apocalyptic world what one luxury could you not live without?

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  1. Book clubs are a great idea, like you said it wouldn't be something you'd normally pick up but you read it and enjoyed it. Hmm what luxury...that's so hard but I'm sure clean water would be a luxury by that point x

  2. It's great that book club is getting you into reading books you wouldn't normally pick. Sadly with a newborn I don't have a spare minute to read at the moment x

  3. I really need to join a book club to broaden and add to my book collection now that I'm on maternity leave I have spare time to do more reading x

  4. I love book clubs just for the reason that you get introduced to so many new books and ones I wouldn't pick!

  5. This sounds like a great book! I'd love to join a bookclub but I wouldn't even know where to start!

  6. I haven't read a book in ages! I have Miss Peregrines School for Peculiar children to read...definitely will be doing this over the Christmas break x

  7. This keeps coming up in my google recommendations! Maybe I'll try it! xxx

  8. Sounds like an interesting read! I wonder if the Damn Stupid episode corresponds with a certain recent election result.... ;)

  9. That's the good thing about book clubs as you read stuff you wouldn't normally x

  10. I've heard good things about this from a few people now, might have to check it out!

  11. Book clubs are a great idea I didn't even think you had them since people are buying more nad more electronic books. This book sounds like an interesting read.

  12. This sound like it would be a very interesting read, the story line sounds really good.

  13. ooh I think my luxury item would be a toothpaste (is that luxury enough?) as I can't bear fuzzy teeth and dodgy breath ... an interesting sounding book btw. I quite like books that take you into the confusion

  14. Sounds like an interesting read - I need a new book to try so I'll give this a go x

  15. i love it when the book causes a divide amongst the group as you always discuss it further and listen to everyones opinions and views

  16. I really want a book club! I would love it! H x

  17. And yet another book is added to my Amazon wishlist. Your review made me want to read this book right now.

  18. I love book recommendations. This isn't one I would read but now you've got me considering it. As for the luxury ... I'm with LaaLaa and choose clean water. x

  19. Ooh I love stories like this! A great review too.

  20. I love the ideas of book clubs and am a voracious reader. My luxury item would be my pillow with its cotton pillowcase

  21. It sounds like an interesting read, but not really my cup of tea.

  22. It does sound really interesting, not one I would have looked at twice until reading your post x

  23. Sounds so interesting - I'd never usually go for a book like this personally, but it's good to read unusual stuff. x

  24. This sounds like my kind of book to be honest, something quite gripping.

  25. I think this is the good thing about book clubs, you pick up books you wouldn't normally x

  26. sounds like an interesting read, I am not sure if i would like the end at the beginning, I am far too easily confused!

  27. Okay I need to add this to my list - I couldn't live without my menstrual cup!

  28. Haha! I spend a lot of time at postapocalyptic events so ask myself this a lot! :D I'd probably have to be sensible and say my washbag (currently has mooncup, toothbrush/paste, condoms, razor etc) but in a book? I'll go with my giant New Rock boots (if I need to fight, I can take them apart and use all the metal in there) :P


  29. This sounds like a good book. I've recently got back into reading and this one sounds great x
